With the holidays right around the corner we know it's time for those family traditions.

If you are out and about you're sure to see some decorations from white icicle lights hung from the gutters, welcome wreaths hung from the front door, and even vehicles donned as reindeer! But that's not all! Inside stores you will find decorated trees, hung stockings, holly, mistletoe, and so much more.

When I was little, I can remember my mom having my brother and I baking and decorating Christmas cutout cookies. Of course most of them we ate in the weeks following, but we saved a few treats for Santa on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve we also put out carrots for the reindeer on our front porch.
Leading up to Christmas we always bought a ham and turkey for a lesser fortunate family that our mom knew when she grew up. They were always so thankful in receiving and because of that they were able to host their family for a meal for the holidays.

As we grew up, of course our traditions changed a little. Now that I'm an adult, I find myself sending Christmas cards, watching Christmastime movies, and listening to Christmas music, while drinking lots of hot tea and being covered in blankets to keep warm. I also love seeing pictures of the Elf on a Shelf from friends and family. I almost bought one to do with our cats and dog because it's so cute!

One of our newer traditions is going to the Toledo Zoo and seeing the "Lights Before Christmas" on New Year's Eve. Seems a bit backwards to do it after Christmas, but it seems to work out well for us. We take my grandma to see the lights and we try to see as many exhibits that are open. We end the night with a meal at Red Robin.
Share some of your personal traditions you share or shared with your family in a comment below!
When I was younger, we use to decorate our house while listening to Elvis Presley "blue Christmas" vinyl record. Now that I have kids, when decorating the Christmas the 1st ornaments that are placed on the tree are the kids' 1st Christmas ornaments.