The 3rd Sunday in June is reserved for the Fathers in the world. Fathers consist of men that take on the responsibility of being around and supporting children in their lives. So, when we discuss fathers we are talking about biological, step, adopted, or a male role model. Men have a special, unique bond with adolescents that impact their lives in a way females are unable to compete with. With the addition of a team effort from both mom and dad, kids grow to be well versed and capable to take on the world! So, how does a father figure create a special bond and are important to children?
Science has taken more interest in learning about development and what causes positive changes inside kids. Part of this is that Scientists have been studying what role a father plays in this development and labeled their study the 'Father Effect'. Children that have active and positively-engaged fathers in their lives have a higher chance of:
Using more vocabulary and being more vocal
Being better in Math and Reading
Having a higher IQ
Establishing problem-solving skills
Deciphering emotional intelligence
Creating healthy and stable relationships
Maintaining financial stability
Instilling independence
Becoming more social and adapting to social cues
Being confident in themselves
Resisting peer pressure or breaking under stress/pressure
The difference a dad makes in a child's life also can be specified to their son and/or daughter. While a loving, involved father is active in his daughter's life the effects can be:
Creating a benchmark for what a future S/O should be
Being more versatile and taking educated risks
Holding a body positive mindset
Lowering the chances of a teen pregnancy
Boys with positive father figures can be affected by:
Controlled behaviors and emotions
Learn male roles and how to treat their future S/O
Become more attention focus and goal-oriented
Establishing time management skills
Sharpening Spatial Awareness and Physical Development
Learning the definition of respectful gentlemen
Where does this start? When father figures create bonding time with the kids. Scientists have stated the use of time is highly important- quality over quantity. The fathers who take time to brush their daughters' hair or throw a ball around with their sons, even if it's only 10 minutes. The time of interacting stands out more than watching a TV show together. When the focus point is on the child is how information and development grow. Quality time becomes more beneficial with fathers taking opportunities to be involved in what their kids enjoy and support those interests; A son taking ballet or a daughter learning on a gun range as some examples.
What about those who are unable to physically be present? Scientists have studies that show any signs of a father taking extra effort to connect can still be beneficial to the child's development. Fathers who live in different locations can send letters, emails, texts, and birthday cards showing the child they are still supported and available for their kids. Other options are keeping a calendar of events to attend or setting time aside to visit or go on trips together.
To all the fathers and father figures who love and support their kids, we wish you a wonderful Father's Day. You guys truly rock and are a huge influence! The support and dedication you give don't go unnoticed to those it matters most to, the children. We appreciate your role in creating positive outcomes in bright futures for generations to come.