If you've been around the Internet today, you know today is Earth Day!

Earth day was founded in 1970 and was to inform and educate people about pollution and recycling. Earth Day shouldn't be confused with Arbor Day which is a day when people plant and appreciate trees. Although on Earth Day people do plant trees, it's more about just trees; it's educating folks and saving the planet.
If you recycle you already know how much of your trash is reduced. I started recycling in 2006 when I took at class in college. We toured the local recycling facility and learned what things they accept as recyclables. But I really started because I hated buying trash bags. Why are they so expensive? But I digress. I threw all my recyclables in a bagless trash can and toted that to and from the local facility to save money. Yes! You can save money by recycling! Personally, about 75% of my household's waste is either recyclable or compostable.

In Findlay, and Bowling Green, Ohio, recycling is free. Both cities have pull up facilities where you can easy get rid of your recyclables. Litter Landing is in Findlay on East Sandusky Street In Findlay. The Bowling Green facility is right off Poe Road north of Bowling Green State University. Click the links to learn more about each facility. Hancock County also has large roll-off trailer where you can sort your recyclables, if you're not close or able to get to the the recycling facility. Click here to learn about the locations and to learn more.
I've focused a lot on recycling and if recycling isn't your thing, there's much, much more you can do to help reduce waste. Here are some examples that are really easy.
Turning off lights in rooms when not in use and upgrade your light bulbs to LED. Bulbs are less than $1 each now and some 40 watt equivalent bulbs use only 9 watts!

Avoid using paper, plastic, or styrofoam dishes, cutlery, or cups. Use reusable or washable items like tupperware for togo lunches at work, thermos or ceramic mugs for hot drinks, etc.
Turning off the water while you brush your teeth.
Letting dishes soak in a sink full of water instead of letting the water constantly run while you do dishes.
Donate old clothes instead of throwing them away.

When buying new appliances, opt for for energy efficient appliances.
Carpooling to work or activities. If you can, foot transportation is great. If walking isn't your thing, try something more exciting like rollerblading, skateboarding, or biking!

So now that you know some easy ways to reduce waste and recycle, you can help reduce your waste contribution, too!
